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"I believe this film's voice needs to be heard. Thank you again for inspiring me to become

A huge thank you to Jillian Morgan for allowing us to share her beautifully eloquent thoughts upon seeing India's Daughter opening night of its theatrical release in NYC (video above; letter below). As Leslee told Jillian: "it is because of young women like you that we will win this fight for respect and true equality for women and girls across our world. I salute you. And I thank you." And here, the email from Jillian:

Good evening Leslee,

My name is Jillian Morgan and I went to the screening of your film yesterday evening. After viewing the film, speaking with you and having a day to gather my thoughts, I thought it nesscessary to share my feelings with you. Being that I am only 16, I have only seen so much and experienced so much, but recently I have woken up to reality of the world we live in today. During the past few weeks, I have heard seen and experienced different instances, that made me wake up from state of oblivion and see the real issues women across the globe face. I have always had a small spark of passion and fire inside me towards women's equality. But I have to say, your film has taken a small distant spark inside me and ignited a fire. I have never felt such grief, anger, and inspiration all in one experience. Grief for the victims, for Jyoti, for the women who don't have a say. Anger towards the injustices against women, and how confined women really are in society. But through all those negative emotions, my inspiration surpasses them to its fullest extent. I truly say this from my heart that I am inspired beyond belief. I have so much passion burring inside me for this issue. Through a series of spiritual revelations that I have had over the last year, I finally feel that I have found my niche for this present moment. I feel so grounded by your words and shifted internally by your film and truly I would like to thank you. Thank you for all you do for us, women, for Jyoti, for me. I thank you for painting a picture of change that I can implement. I thank the universe for putting you in my life so early, I am so blessed that we crossed paths at this time in my life. I know a 16 year old may not be taken to seriously planting change regarding this issue, but I believe that if there is a will there is a way. My will for this cause has erupted into something that will never be at rest inside me, and truly I thank you.

All that being said, I really would love to share your film with my school community. Being that I go to an all girls high school, this issue becomes all that more prevalent and important and I believe that this film needs to shared on every level. I also believe that the fire that has started inside me can be spread to many girls just like me. I know that your film will be playing all this week at the theater, and I have let my school community know. I know that they will be just as moved as I am, and ignite more sparks to stop this horrendous issue. Again, thank you for opening your heart and inspiring me to make a change.

With love,

Jillian Morgan

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